Colon Cancer Treatment
An Overview of Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is cancer that affects the colon and rectum, and usually the cancer is delineated into either colon or rectal cancer based on where it begins. Overall, though, both colon and rectal cancers have enough in common that it is worthwhile to group them together. On top of having common symptoms and outcomes, they are treated in similar ways.
General Cancer Stages
While individual cancer stages have their own nuances, it is worthwhile remembering that there are four general cancer stages that the disease can progress through. They are generally divided by tumor size and behavior.
- Stage 1: The tumor is confined to its organ of origin, either the colon or rectum.
- Stage 2: The tumor is larger and more irregular in shape, but usually is still confined to the tissue it originated in.
- Stage 3: At this point, the tumor is noticeably made up of aggressive, abnormal cells. Some aggressive cancers may move slightly out of the original organ or tissue at this stage.
- Stage 4: This happens when a cancer has moved into surrounding organs and tissues.
What patients need to realize is that while these tumor stages are slightly fluid, they are not the only times that cancer can be caught and treated. It is also possible to catch and treat many precancerous conditions to avert the full development of the disease.
Types of Colorectal Cancer & Stages of Development
While there are generally four stages of cancer development, the unique types of cancer that can affect different organs and tissues in the body make the precancerous conditions vary quite a bit from one another, and those precancerous stages of development are the vital stages that radiation oncologists try to target to minimize the impact that a possible cancer could have. To know what to expect from a colorectal cancer screening, you need to know what the radiation oncologist is looking for.
Precancerous Conditions
There are three general conditions that are examined as possible precancerous issues to deal with:
- Adenomas: These polyps are irregular and can turn into malignant tumors over time, so they are prioritized for removal most of the time.
- Hyperplastic and inflammatory polyps: These are common and generally not precancerous, but often a biopsy is needed to confirm that.
- Dysplasia: This condition occurs when irregular cells that do not look like the base tissue or other cancer cells form in colorectal tissue.
When your radiation oncologist finds any of these features in a screening, the protocol is to biopsy it, which allows for laboratory testing to determine whether or not there was any cancerous tissue in the sample. If there is, then the most common way forward is to weigh surgical treatment options.
Visit our Colon Cancer Treatment Center
Detecting and treating colorectal cancer is a complicated process that involves weighing patient symptoms and performing a series of tests to find any possible tumors. If you suspect you might have cancer, the first step is to see a primary care physician to discuss your symptoms. From there, your radiation oncologist is likely to refer you to a cancer detection and treatment specialist like those at North Cascade Cancer Center.
Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer
Radiation oncologists generally become concerned about the possibility of colorectal cancer when patients present with the following symptoms:
- General abdominal discomfort
- Bloating
- Rectal bleeding/blood in stool
- Unexplained weight loss
- Anemia
- Chronic fatigue
On their own, these symptoms could point to a number of conditions, including Crohn’s disease and IBS. That is why radiation oncologists then move on to the detection phase.
Colorectal Cancer Screening
If your radiation oncologist suspects you might have colorectal cancer, then the following processes will be used to search for polyps, tumors, and other physical signs of the disease:
- A physical exam with digital rectal stimulation
- Stool tests
- A sigmoidoscopy, which uses a bar of light to illuminate the colon and seek irregularities
- A double-contrast barium enema for imaging
- An endoscopy
Colorectal Cancer Treatment
Surgery to remove the cancer is the primary treatment for colon cancer. In some cases, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy are recommended to ensure the cancer does not return and to maximize cure.
Contact North Cascade Cancer Center Today
If you are ready to start the fight against cancer, we are here to help and support you. Give us a call at (360) 370-2873 with any questions or reach out to us at our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you overcome cancer on your way to a healthier, happier life.