What is TrueBeam
TrueBeam Cancer-Fighting Technology at North Cascade Cancer Center
Cancer cells live to spread. Stop them from reproducing and they die. That’s exactly what TrueBeam radiotherapy does.
TrueBeam technology lets us target a tumor with extreme accuracy from any angle, and deliver a precision dose of radiation to cancer cells.
The cancer cells die. TrueBeam on. Cancer off.
TrueBeam. Advanced technology for cancer treatment. Right here at North Cascade Cancer Center.

Benefits of this new technology include:
Greater Beam Precision
The precision of the TrueBeam system is measured in increments of less than a millimeter, performing accuracy checks every ten milliseconds throughout the entire treatment. And the new PerfectPitch™ 6 degrees of freedom couch provides two additional rotational motion axes: pitch and roll. Together, they provide more accurate target positioning and precise beam delivery to treat cancer anywhere in the body, including the breast, lung, abdomen, head and neck.
In many cases, tumors can move as your breathe. The TrueBeam system offers a new “respiratory gating” option that synchronizes beam delivery with respiration. This helps maintain accuracy, as the system synchronizes its targeting whenever tumor motion is an issue, for example during lung cancer treatments.
During the set-up process, you can be exposed to less X-ray dose with the TrueBeam system. Additional imaging functionality provides the opportunity to use 25 percent less X-ray dose compared to earlier imaging technology. This does not change the dose the physician has prescribed and you receive for your radiation treatment.
Versatility of TrueBeam
The TrueBeam radiation therapy delivery system is the most versatile system available in the world. This versatility allows our radiation oncologists the ability to individualize your treatment plan based on your needs. All radiation therapy options are able to be delivered with speed and precision to give you best possible outcomes, improved comfort, and better quality of life. TrueBeam can be used for: